Friday, May 1, 2009


SWINE FLU BREAKING NEWS 2: New case count, attack rate, patients' travel history, public awareness, product scams, treatment insurance

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported 365 cases of swine influenza H1N1 in 11 countries as of 7 pm. GMT (1 p.m. US ET) today, up from 331 cases reported earlier in the day. The case numbers by country are United States, 141 (1 death); Mexico, 156 (9 deaths), Canada, 34; Spain, 13; United Kingdom, 8; New Zealand, 3; Germany, 3; Israel, 2; and 1 each in Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and China (Hong Kong). [WHO update 8]
Preliminary data from cases in the United States show a swine flu virus attack rate in the 25% to 30% range, which is consistent with seasonal influenza, Anne Schuchat, MD, interim deputy director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) science and public health program, said at a media briefing today. The attack rate is the proportion of people exposed to a pathogen who actually get sick.

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